Thursday, October 21, 2010

Online dating - A necessary evil

Part boredom and part getting into the blog writing lark, i'll be adding details on this here blog about the ups and downs of this very modern way of trying to meet the other half of your dreams. Needless to say online dating is a necessary evil for those of use who lack either the time or the ability to go out on the pull. It's finally getting to the stage though where it is deemed socially acceptable, you are allowed to admit to not only having given it a go but to make it your sole method of looking for a relationship. The premise is simple, you stick all your details online (as much as you're willing to let people see initially), add what you're looking for in a partner, stick a photo on and then wait. Depending on how photogenic you look and how well you've written your profile the results either come flooding in or ever so gradually like a leaking tap.
After a while you start to see how strategic and tricky this whole process is. If you are a natural goddess or stud then pretty much any photo will do but for people like yours truly you have to do a do it yourself jobbie at home. Smile in it, make sure it looks natural then add one or two with your mates or doing something interesting looking. Obviously not everyone is that photogenic so the whole photo thing is very daunting. What I can never understand is when people put truly awful photos on where they're gawping at you like a goldfish or looking rat arsed. It may be fine for the free sites like plentyoffish but for the paying ones, they're just wasting they're dosh.
After choosing the photos the next daunting bit is the profile. The 'what you're looking for in a partner' bit is by far the easiest bit but when it comes to writing about yourself and trying to sell yourself it's not easy. You go about it in the same way you would applying for a job but it has to be more from the heart. There's also the fine balance of including those bits of your life and personality that separate you from the crowd but don't make you sound like someone to avoid. In the profiles i've read so far, girls find it easier talking about their interests but not always about the sort of person they are. I've lost count of the many of girls who 'like going out with their friends' and are 'looking for honesty in the relationship'. Hardly a newsflash to be fair. It sounds awful but you soon get bored of reading profiles like this and after a while you crave those that are just a bit different and quirky.
Dating sites all have different features to set them apart from the others. On Match you can 'Wink' at girls instead of sending a message straight away to show them you're interested. Others have a bog standard message to get you started, a bit pointless in my view as it shows the person sending it is either short on words or sending them on mass and not giving the lady their full attention. The one i'm giving a try at the moment, E Harmony, has a pretty in depth relationship quiz before you do anything which looks to match you up with your ideal partner based on what you've put in. Although it's similar to Match's affinity test it's actually coming up with some top matches. The majority of them seem to have a passion for variety similar to mine with the Purple Book so we'll see how things go.
That'll do for now. Still plenty to discuss including a closer look at the different dating sites i've had a look at so far, dating highs and lows and the lovely ladies i've had the pleasure of meeting and almost meeting...

Rossifer x